What Do Hedgehogs Eat In Their Diet?
Answer to the question What Do Hedgehogs Eat? Hedgehogs are the black littles animals that are included in the mammalian category. In the nutritional needs of the hedgehogs as they are the mammals with high energy needs so they need large amounts of food to sustain themselves.
The basis of the hedgehog diet is mainly made up of the animal protein while the rest consists of the lesser amounts of the carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. As a general guide the most appropriate ratios for the hedgehogs are
- Less than 35% (ideal protein)
- Less than 15% (ideal fat)
- Less than 2% (ideal fibre)
Next, we review what hedgehogs eat? so you can create the most suitable diet taking these proportions into account. What do domestic hedgehogs eat? Many hedgehogs are fed cat food since it has a composition similar to the correct diet for a hedgehog.
The feed for dogs and ferrets does not work since they do not adapt to their nutritional needs. If you want to give your hedgehog the cat food then you must be ensure to choose a quality one with a high percentage of animal protein.
Hedgehogs are the wild animals, however some species have been adopted as pets and can be found in homes. Hedgehogs are the small and cute mammals they have the hairs on their back which are in the form of spikes, called as quills.
In this article we will discuss about their diet that what food do hedgehogs eat. Read the whole article if you want to know about the complete diet of the hedgehogs.
How Much Food Can You Feed The Hedgehogs?
The experienced hedgehog feeders say that you can help the hedgehogs by providing them with shelter but they also need the other two elements. The one is they need something to drink and the second is they need to eat something.
When it comes to drinking a bowl of water, that will be perfectly adequate but with food you really do need to give them the things that the hedgehog needs something like brambles: that is the crunchy hedgehog’s food has the right mix of nutrients and minerals.
But it is also crunchy which is brilliant for hedgehogs dentition Somewhere to feed hedgehogs? Well something like this hedgehog snack dish is perfect. It has a drainage hole in the bottom to ensure that crunchiness is not lost and the food does not go soggy.
In terms of where to feed, well the most simple advice is wherever your hedgehogs tend to go in the garden which could be the patio. If you have foxes and cats visit the garden then what you can do is you can create a little feeding station for the hedgehog that only they can access.
Which Is The Healthiest Food For Your Hedgehog?
The hedgehogs may prefer to feed them with the beetles, earthworms, caterpillars, earwigs etc. They can also consume the food of the high quality with low fat cat food. Hedgehogs are the short mammals that can feed on the insects such as the crickets.

The best food for the hedgehog is the Mazuri hedgehog food and the Nutrition Hedgehog food. These hedgehogs also enjoy the birds eggs, frogs and also read a wide range of the insects. Some beef such as the kidney, liver, beef, turkey etc is the best meats for the hedgehogs.
What Food Is Not Safe For Hedgehogs?
Every living thing in this world has restriction to some food that will not be prove safe for them. So in case of hedgehogs they can consume the human food such as the cooked human food like fruits and vegetables. This human food can comprise the 5% diet of the hedgehogs food. The food that is not safe for hedgehog is as follows:
Dairy products:
Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant so the milk, cheese and other dairy items can cause digestive issues.
Grapes and raisins:
Grapes and raisins can be toxic and may lead to the serious problem as kidney failure.
Nuts and seeds:
After eating nuts and seeds they can lead to a choking hazard and are difficult for hedgehogs to digest.
Like many animals the chocolate is toxic to the health of hedgehogs and should be strictly avoided.
This fruit contains the pigment persin which is harmful to the hedgehogs.
What Hedgehogs Eat In Wild?
Hedgehogs are the fantastic eaters that eat many things. The maximam of their diet is consist of the vertebrates. These vertebrates include the caterpillars, millipedes, slugs etc. You can also know about Do hedgehog eat other animals? In the wild, hedgehogs are opportunistic feeders with a diet that primarily consists of:
Beetles, caterpillars, worms and other small invertebrates make up the bulk of the hedgehog’s diet.
Slugs and Snails:
Hedgehogs enjoy these slimy creatures which are mainly in their natural habitats.
Small Vertebrates:
They occasionally eat the frogs, baby rodents, and even the small snakes.
Fruits and Berries:
Wild hedgehogs do nibble on fallen fruits and berries especially in during the fall.
Mushrooms and Roots:
They also consume the various plants such as roots, and fungi when other food sources are not available.
Facts & Features Of Hedgehog:
- Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals known for their sharp quills which they use for protection by curling into a ball when threatened.
- There are 17 different species of hedgehogs, found across Europe, Asia, and Africa, with some species being domesticated as pets.
- They are mainly nocturnal animals meaning that they are most active during the night.
- Hedgehogs have poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell and hearing, which they rely on to find food. Their diet mainly consists of insects but they also eat fruits, vegetables and small animals.
- Hedgehogs hibernate in colder climates by conserving energy until temperatures rise.
- They communicate through various sounds, including snuffles, grunts, and hisses.
- Hedgehogs are the solitary animals that prefer to live and forage alone except during mating season.
- Due to their prickly appearance, they are generally gentle and make for interesting pets.
1 Hedgehogs eat and drink what?
Hedgehogs can eat insects like beetles, caterpillars, and worms. They also consume the fruits, vegetables and sometimes small animals like frogs. In captivity, a balanced diet which is of high quality hedgehog food, supplemented with fresh produce and water is essential for their health and health.
2 Can hedgehog eat cucumber?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat cucumber but it should only be offered as an occasional treat. Cucumber is low in nutritional value and mostly water, so it does not provide much benefit. It is best to offer it in small amounts alongside a balanced diet of insects, fruits and vegetables.
3 Do hedgehog eat fruits?
Yes, hedgehogs can eat fruits but they should be given in moderation. Safe fruits for hedgehogs include apples, berries and bananas. These fruits provide some vitamins and nutrients but due to their sugar content, they should be offered as occasional treats rather than a staple in their diet.
4 What will be the supplementary food for hedgehog?
Supplementary foods for hedgehogs include cooked and unseasoned meats like chicken or turkey, boiled eggs, and small portions of fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, and green beans. You can also provide specially formulated hedgehog food or high quality cat food to ensure a balanced diet.
5 Where do hedgehogs live?
Hedgehogs live in a variety of habitats including the woodlands, grasslands and gardens across Europe, Asia, and Africa. They prefer areas with plenty of cover such as hedges, bushes and leaf piles where they can forage for food and build nests. Some species have also adapted to urban environments.