How big do pythons get?

How big do pythons get

Hello! guys I hope that you all will be fine and doing good in your life. Today we will discuss about how big do pythons get. Pythons are the snakes that grow to be very large, and if we talk about the reticulated python, which reaches up to 33 feet long, with a massive weight of 240 to 250 pounds.

Size of ball pythons in captivity

First thing to keep in mind is that pythons come in different sizes in captivity as well as in the wild. Small snakes such as ball pythons grow about as long as a kid around 3 to 5 feet. Others get much bigger. Burmese pythons can be as long as a car, about 12 to 18 feet. The biggest reticulated pythons can be even longer and may reach 25 feet if they have good care.

So, if you want to own a small snake then a ball python is a good choice for you. If you want to own a big one then a Burmese or reticulated python will be much larger and good for you. Remember one thing that the size they get depends on the kind of python and how well they are taken care of.

What size do ball pythons get in wild

Ball pythons in the wild are usually grown about 4 feet long. Some get bigger up to 6 feet. In this species case, the girl pythons are normally bigger than the boy pythons.

They are heavy too about 3 to 5 pounds. They have the thick bodies and small heads. They are dark brown or black in color of body with light brown spots with smooth scales on it. Their bellies are white with black marks.

Ball pythons live in grassy areas of the Africa. They hide them in the holes made by other animals. They can live a long time to 15 to 25 years. These snakes come out at night. They like to be alone so they need their own space. They are not mean. If they feel scared, then they will hide them in the holes.

What do ball pythons eat to grow larger?

Ball pythons primarily eat frozen mice and rats. They need these foods to grow big and strong. On the other hand little baby snakes eat tiny mice called “pinkies.” As they get bigger then they eat bigger mice. When they are fully grown up then they eat rats.

The food should be about as big as the snake’s belly. This helps them swallow and digest it easily. Think of it like a belt around their tummy. If the food is too big then they cannot eat it. But if the food is too small, then they won’t get enough food.

In comparison to adult ball pythons, the baby snakes eat more often or maybe once a week. On the other side, grown-up snakes eat less maybe every 2 weeks. So, you give them frozen food that is been warmed up. Start small and go bigger as your snake grows. Always make sure that the food is in the right size for the snake needed.

What is the difference between a male and female ball python size?

Ball pythons have differences between girls and boys. Girl snakes are usually bigger. They grow to about 4 to 4.5 feet long. Boy snakes are smaller, about 3 to 3.5 feet. Girls are also thicker, while boys are thinner. Girl heads are bigger, too.

Both have strong bodies to squeeze their food. They have little claws near their tail, called spurs. Boys have longer spurs than girls.

Boys also have special tubes called hemipenes. Girls don’t have these. If you want to know if your snake is a boy or girl, you can use a special tool. A snake doctor or breeder can help you.

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Here’s a simple chart:

FeatureFemale Ball PythonMale Ball Python
Size4.0-4.5 feet3.0-3.5 feet
BuildLarger, thickerMore slender

How long do ball pythons live?

Ball pythons can live a long time, but it depends on where they live. If they live in the wild, they usually only live about 10 years. This is because other animals might eat them, or they might not find enough food or good places to live.

How big do pythons get

But, if they live with people, as pets, they can live much longer. They often live for 20 to 30 years! Some have even lived for 48 years!

So, having a pet ball python snakes means you could have it for many years. It’s like having a friend for a very long time. In the wild, it’s much harder for them to live that long. The difference is mainly because pet snakes get food and shelter while wild snakes have to find those things themselves and avoid danger.

Types of ball snakes with their size

Ball pythons come in many colors and patterns, called “morphs.” These are like different kinds of ball pythons. Here are a few common ones, with their usual size and weight:

Normal/Wild Type: This is the most common. They have dark brown and tan patterns. They grow to about 3-5 feet long and weigh 3-5 pounds.

Albino: These are white or yellow with pink eyes. They lack dark coloring. They are the same size and weight as normal pythons.

Pastel: These have lighter brown and yellow colors. They look faded. They also grow to 3-5 feet and weigh 3-5 pounds.

Spider: These have a spider-like pattern. They can have a neurological wobble. They are the same size and weight as the normal.

Piebald: These have white patches mixed with their normal colors. Their size and weight are the same as normal types.

Here’s a simple chart:

MorphColor/PatternSize (feet)Weight (pounds)
Normal/WildDark brown, tan3-53-5
AlbinoWhite/yellow, pink eyes3-53-5
PastelLight brown, yellow3-53-5
SpiderSpider-like pattern3-53-5
PiebaldWhite patches3-53-5

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Facts & Features Of Ball Python Snake:

  • Ball pythons are popular pet snakes. They are not too big, usually 3 to 5 feet long. They have smooth scales and come in many colors.
  • They eat mice and rats. Baby snakes eat smaller mice. They like warm places to live.
  • Ball pythons curl into a ball when scared. That’s how they got their name. They are mostly active at night.
  • They can live a long time, sometimes over 20 years. They are gentle and don’t bite much.
  • Girls are often bigger than boys. They have small heads and thick bodies.
  • They need water and a place to hide. They are good pets for beginners.


Are pythons bigger than anaconda?

Reticulated pythons are very long snakes. They can grow over 20 feet. Green anacondas are also big, but they are thick and heavy. So, reticulated pythons are longer, and anacondas are heavier. Both are among the biggest snakes in the world.

What is the largest python ever found?

A huge snake was caught in Florida. It was a Burmese python, and it was 19 feet long. That’s the biggest one ever found there. Imagine a giraffe standing tall. This snake was just as long as that giraffe. It’s a very, very long snake!

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