How Many Eggs Do Snakes Lay?


Hello! Guys, I hope that you all will be fine and doing well in your life. There are snakes in the world that lay soft as well as hard eggs but today we will discuss How Many Eggs Do Snakes Lay?

Different types of snakes lay different quantities of eggs. In this article, I will tell you about my research that I had done on snake egg quantity. Then I came to know that some reptiles lay eggs but others give birth to the young ones.

The quantity of snake eggs depends on the species of snakes. About 70% of the snakes lay eggs.

How many eggs do snakes lay per day?

The reptile species that lay eggs may lay eggs between 1 to 100. Some kinds of snakes lay just a few eggs at a time others lay many eggs at a time. A ball python usually lays about 3 to 6 eggs. Big ones might lay up to 14 to 16 eggs and small ones less about 3 to 4.

Detail About Snake Eggs


Did you know there are about 4,000 species of snake living throughout the world? Snakes are fascinating creatures, and their breeding and egg laying habits are particularly interesting.

Some snakes have brightly colored scales, while others are more muted. They live in various habitats, from water to land or sometimes both. This article explores the world of snake eggs, covering their size, color, location, and the different ways snakes reproduce.

Snake Breeding Season

Most snakes breed in the springtime, typically from March to May. However, the breeding season can vary depending on the snake species and its location.

In the Southern Hemisphere snake breeding often occurs in September and October. Snakes in the Northern Hemisphere usually lay their eggs in the early summer, between June and July.

Snake Egg Incubation

The time it takes for snake eggs to hatch, known as the incubation period, varies depending on the species. On average, snake eggs incubate for about 57 days.

Some species may hatch in as little as 40 days while others can take up to 70 days. Hatching usually occurs in late summer or early fall, around August and September.

What Snake Eggs Look Like

Snake eggs are quite different from bird eggs. They are oblong in shape which allows the developing snake to stretch out inside. They range in size from one to five inches. For example, the Louisiana pine snake has the largest snake eggs in the United States measuring five inches long and two inches wide.

Eastern brown snake eggs, on the other hand, are about two inches long. While the size varies, the color of snake eggs is typically the same across species white, off-white or sometimes beige. Unlike bird eggs, snake eggs are not hard. They have a flexible, leathery shell and they often stick together.

Snake Eggs vs. Other Reptile Eggs

It is relatively easy to differentiate snake eggs from bird eggs. Bird eggs are often colorful and have hard shells while the snake eggs are white, off white and leathery. Differentiating snake eggs from other reptile eggs can be a bit more challenging f. Turtle eggs are round, whereas snake eggs are oblong.

Turtle eggs are also usually smaller, less than one and a half inches long. Lizard eggs are similar in shape to snake eggs but are typically smaller less than an inch long. Alligator eggs, which can be up to three inches long, have a hard, brittle shell when first laid, which softens as they incubate. Alligators also build nests for their eggs and guard them, unlike most snakes.

How Many Eggs Snakes Lay

Smaller snakes tend to lay fewer eggs than larger snakes. Small species may lay anywhere from two or three up to 30 eggs. Larger snakes, such as the reticulated python, can lay a large number of eggs, sometimes 100 or even more.

Where Snakes Lay Their Eggs

Most snakes don’t build their nests for their eggs. Instead, they seek out protected locations such as under rocks, beneath piles of leaves or sticks or in abandoned animal burrows to lay eggs.

They look for spots that are hidden and offer protection from the elements. An exception is the king cobra which constructs a nest out of leaves and debris.

Do All Snakes Lay Eggs?

Not all snakes lay eggs. Snakes that lay eggs are called oviparous. Some snakes like boa constrictors and anacondas give live birth to young ones and are called viviparous. Their young develop inside the mother’s body, similar to mammals.

Garter snakes are ovoviviparous. This means the eggs incubate and hatch inside the female’s body, and then she gives live birth. This offers the advantage of protecting the young inside the mother until they are born.

Mother Snake Care

Many snakes leave their eggs after laying them. Some species such as the African rock python always stay with their eggs as coiling around them to provide them warmth and protection.

They may even stay with the hatchlings for a short time after they emerge.

Predators of Snake Eggs

Snake eggs are vulnerable to predators especially when the mother leaves them. Raccoons, skunks and hawks are known to prey on snake eggs. Hatchlings and young snakes are also easy targets for predation.

You can also read about: How Do Snakes Inject Venom Into Prey

What to Do if You Find Snake Eggs

If you come across a clutch of snake eggs then it is best for you to leave them undisturbed. Touching or moving the eggs can harm the developing embryos and can also be unsafe for you.

If you accidentally uncover the eggs then gently cover them back up with the surrounding debris. Observe them from a distance, and you might even witness the hatching process.


Caring for Snake Eggs in Captivity

Pet snake owners can incubate snake eggs but it requires the careful attention to temperature and humidity. Healthy eggs are typically white or off white with no dark spots.


Snake eggs are a fascinating aspect of snake biology. Their diversity in size, shape and color along with the various reproductive strategies employed by snakes makes them a captivating subject of study.

Facts & Features Of Snake:

  • Snakes are reptiles just like lizards and turtles.
  • They have long and slender bodies with no legs.
  • Most snakes are covered in scales.
  • Some snakes lay eggs while the others give live birth.
  • Snakes can be found all over the world, except Antarctica.
  • They eat a variety of things like small animals and insects.
  • Some snakes are venomous, meaning they can inject poison.
  • Snakes shed their skin as they grow.
  • They have a keen sense of smell. Many snakes are harmless to humans.


How many eggs does a female snake have?

Brown snakes lay 20 to 40 oval-shaped eggs at a time. Their eggs have a soft, leathery shell. Mothers stay with their eggs for up to five weeks. They protect the eggs from animals that might eat them.

How many snakes are in one egg?

Just one snake comes out of each egg. Each egg holds a single baby snake. One egg equals one snake. So, one snake per egg.

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